Image processing (420-T1M-ID)
Final exam
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Image processing (420-T1M-ID) Final exam
• Create a folder and name it according to the following format :
«NAME_FirstName-T1M_ final_exam».
• Use this folder to save the files you will be creating for this exam.
• The files must all be saved in Photoshop format (.psd) and include
the layers (do not flatten layers).
• The examples and the material needed for this exam will be given
to you by your teacher.
Question 1
Reproduce as best as you can the image «exam-1.jpg».
Format : 500px x 500px
Résolution : 72 dpi
Mode : RGB
• Measurements and colors don’t have to be precisely the
same as shown in the example.
• Shapes need to be evenly distant.
Image processing (420-T1M-ID) Final exam
Question 2
Using the techniques you have learned, make the best possible black and white
picture using the file named
« Question_2 ».
• Keep the same color mode, same size, and same resolution as the original file.
• Make a black and white picture from the RGB file.
• Make sure to adjust the levels.
• Make any minor retouches and reparations in order for the picture to look good.
Image processing (420-T1M-ID) Final exam
Question 3
Using the material supplied by your teacher, and using compositing techniques,
recreate as best as you can the result shown in the file
« Question_3-example ».
Format : 1000px x 700px
Résolution: 72 dpi
Mode: RGB
• Use the concrete texture as a background.
• Use blend modes to create the light ambiance and shadow.
• Use styles, filters, or compositing to create the halo effect on the logo